Port Vila, Efete Island
Hello All, And now I am behind again and find myself trying to remember what has happened, the pictures help but I don't feel like I have...
Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island
Our mission was now to find transport to the volcano, normally wouldn’t be a problem except we were in a rather remote area which was...
Black Sand Beach, Tanna Island
After, I think it was 4 nights in Port Lenakel, we were ready to leave, very ready. We got the boat ready the night before and the plan...
Yakel Village, Tanna Island
The last post left us looking for transport to a customs village on Tanna Island, Vanuatu; I will share some more about our experiences...
Port Lenakel, Tanna Island, Vanuatu
Greetings from Vanuatu! Looks like I am not very good at keeping this up to date, the next few posts will be about our travels and...
Bowling in New Zealand
You are asking yourself, "How is this possible? Jonathan left NZ. Maybe I remember him mentioning something about almost going bowling...
More from Fiji
Just a quick update and a few more pictures from Fiji. Since my last post Chloe's boyfriend, Cameron, came and joined us for two weeks,...
Malolo LaiLai, Mamanuca Islands
Bula From Chloe and I Chloe has been here for a couple weeks now and it has been a pleasure. We spent the first week at the marina as I...
New Zealand to Fiji Passage
Bula! Well I am officially back to being a full time cruising bum, feels real good. I am writing from Vuda Point Marina where I was...
Leaving Aotearoa
Kia Ora Faithfull Followers, Your absent narrator is back, and happy about this, to continue sharing experiences and pictures from my...